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The Definition of Knitting: A method of interlacing yarn loops with loops of the same or other yarns to create...

All knitting is choreography. – Clara Parkes

Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either. – Elizabeth Zimmerman

Knitting is the saving of life. – Virginia Wolf

Alchemy Knits

Uniting and interconnecting color and creativity with passion and purpose... one stitch at a time.

I learned knitting from a friend years ago, on a whim, while living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I took to it immediately, fascinated with the possibility of making something with my own hands and progressively learning with each piece. Coupled with the joy giving and gifting gives me, it's likely that 100 scarves came from my needles and found their way to the necks of friends, family members, and even strangers.

As a tactile person sensitive to aesthetics and the appearance, feel, and touch of things, the meeting of yarn with needles becomes another form of endless expression for me, not dissimilar to a dance, a meditation, a practice of patience and dedication. Plus, knitting provides some version of particular sanity – for mind and soul!


While fun and creative, there is truly a transformation that happens in the process, one that begins before the yarn even lands in my hands. Then I become a part of that process, imbuing my energy, weaving the yarn into a one-of-a-kind form; no other exactly like it will never exist... kind of like each of us. 


Since the days of learning to knit my path has taken me many places, and there have been breaks here and there from my yarn and needles. Having found my way back, both to them and to Santa Fe, over the past 20 years, the sweet reunion seems like one for a lifetime, like a gentle companion along the way.


So I knit. And I heal. And I offer a perception of beautiful, wearable objects. You can find my pieces currently at BODY, and it's my pleasure to create custom sweaters, hats, and scarves – for you or as a gift.​


Wearable Works

Wearable Works

A confluence of adornment and function

Whether a hat, scarf, sweater, or something else entirely, the patterns and pieces I select and make aim to meet both visual and practical desires. Not only do they feel good, but I want you to feel good wearing them.


Since it's more and more rare these days to know where the things we wear come from, a hand knit piece is such a treasure. It can wrap and warm you, even soothe and comfort you. At a minimum, it might just bring a smile... to your face, or another's.


Each piece is a artistic outlet, a message written in loops and fiber, and a way to bring beauty to the world, through inspiration and creating with intention.​​

Customized Orders

Customized Orders

Personalized Creations just for you... or to give and gift

Have you ever seen an item that you wish was a different color, or a little bigger or smaller, more heavy or light? Customized orders give you the opportunity to select from a palette and an array of yarns to have the perfectly personalized article. As a fan of color and texture and want to know your preferences to literally weave them into the piece, created especially for you.


Timeframes depend upon the project, naturally, and I always recommend getting started sooner than you'd like to received your piece.

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